Feb 20, 2010 Annual Grafting Member Meeting

(Board meeting 9-9:30)

Member Meeting Feb 20th – Annual Grafting Class!

9:30-12:30, Center for Urban Horticulture, Douglas Classroom


REMINDER: Bring your scion wood cuttings for our Spring Grafting Show to this meeting for storage. gregs-scionwood-storage1


9:30-10 Member Questions and Sharing/Announcements

10-11 Beginners Grafting Class

11:15-12:30 Advanced Grafting Class


The 2010 version of our annual grafting class on Saturday, February 20th will take a slightly different approach this year. We’ll break the class into two components; a beginner’s class starting after club business is finished followed by a class for more experienced grafters seeking to upgrade their knowledge and skills. The beginners are welcome to stay on for the advanced class. We’ll spend about an hour covering basic tools, techniques, scion wood storage etc. for whip and cleft grafting, then break for refreshments.


The advanced class will cover a couple variations of modified cleft grafts, bridge and bud grafting technique. We’ll bring some root stock and scions for you to practice whip and modified cleft grafts. You will need to wait until August to give bud grafting a try.


Our goal is make you a more confident, successful grafter. Hopefully we will have several experienced grafters to help answer questions and oversee your work. BYOT. (Bring you own tools) grafting knife, tape, we’ll supply grafting bands and name tags. I’d like to take your finished grafts home with me, pot them and save for sale at the 2011 Spring Grafting Show.

Questions, e-mail Greg G. at seattletreefruitsociety@hotmail.com

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