Final update: SCFS (Snohomish County Fruit Society)/STFS (Seattle Tree Fruit Society) joint scion wood/rootstock sale and spring grafting event this Saturday (Mar 25th). Doors open 10 AM at the Rosehill Community Center in Mukilteo. Free entry to all members of WCFS Chapters and the public.

Doors open 10 AM at the Rosehill Community Center in Mukilteo. Free entry to all members of WCFS Chapters and the public. Donations accepted and appreciated.

Scion wood and rootstock sales in the FOWLER ROOM starts at 10 AM.

Only accepted payment methods: personal check and cash (ATM nearby).

Scion wood $2 per stick.

Rootstock prices vary; see attached price sheet.

Custom graft $4 per graft (scion wood and rootstock not included).

Tables set up in the FOWLER ROOM for attendee material and information exchange.

Free fruit talks in the ART ROOM from 1 PM to 3 PM.

More details from SCFS’s Jake Jacobson below.


Saturday March 25th, 2023 from 10AM to 1:30PM

At Rosehill Community Center.

304 Lincoln Avenue, Mukilteo, WA 98275

The Fruit Tree Grafting and Tree Care Workshop, presented by the Snohomish County Fruit Society (SCFS) & the Seattle Tree Fruit Society (STFS), will take place at Rosehill Community Center this Saturday, March 25, 2023.  Please refer to the link, “Grafting Workshop” for more details. (The Grafting Class is currently SOLD OUT.)

We are fortunate to have additional scion wood for grafting and sale on Saturday. This includes Grape and Persimmon scions, made available by Lori Brakken.  The complete list of the available scion is at link, “New Additions to Lori’s List – March 2023”. You can find the original scion lists, available root stock, and more information on the SCFS webpage 

**NEW** We are pleased to be able to offer custom grafting for folks who would like assistance putting their tree together.  

TREE CARE WORKSHOP – Free! Please see the attached link of “Afternoon Lectures” for more details

1pm   Apple Maggot Defense, Jim Holt

Learn how to control and mitigate the damage that can be caused by Apple Maggots (Ragoletis pomonella), a prevalent pest of pome fruits (Apples, Pears, and their relatives).   

1:15 pm  Selection and Care of Fruit Trees in the Home Landscape, Bob Baines.  

Learn what species do well in the Pacific Northwest, and which will be more challenging. Discover species that you didn’t know could be cultivated here. Get helpful hints on managing your fruit trees once you have committed to them. Find out what varieties are favorable in our climate.

2 pm   What’s Buzzing? Supporting Native Pollinators on your Property, Lisa Wasko DeVetter.   

Pollinators are essential for the production of nutritious foods, including fruits. This presentation will cover the essential role of pollinators, why they are in trouble, and what you can do to support them.  

We’ve attached a more complete description of the free afternoon workshop series for you, and updated the overall timeline of the day at Rosehill – please see the attached announcement. 

2:45 pm  Hydro-Mulching (Sprayable Mulch) for Sustainable Agriculture, Ben Weiss

Many Plants benefit from mulches, including fruit crops. Unfortunately, most mulches are made from non-degradable plastics that can pollute terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. This presentation will introduce a new mulch technology, biobased and sprayable hydromulches, which are suitable for organic production and could be a more sustainable alternative to non-degradable plastic mulches.   

NOTE:  Bare root strawberries are sold out and will not be offered at the event. 

We hope you can join us on Saturday!

Snohomish County Fruit Society

A Chapter of the Western Cascade Fruit Society

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