Food Forests Lecture – April Meeting

April Member Meeting – Saturday April 12, 2014
The Brig, Magnuson Park, 7400 Sand Point Way NE, Seattle, WA 98115

Seattle Tree Fruit Society (STFS) will feature Jacqueline Cramer discussing the permaculture concepts used to create the Beacon Food Forest, in both ecological and social realms, and food forest practices in designing, installing, planting, and maintaining. Food forest, or forest gardening, involves planting an understory of edible plants to complement fruit trees, and selecting various species to enhance the health of the forest garden. She will also describe their process to access public land, and promote community design and implementation.
Jacqueline Cramer has worked with the land for over 25 years as farmer, land use planner, landscaper, gardener, and designer. She is also an educator and community activist, working to collaborate and include, celebrating collective action and the synergy it creates.
The talk will follow a short STFS Member Meeting at 10am. Talk is open to the public.

Free grape cuttings to STFS members (first come, first served). Buffalo, Campbell’s Early, Cascade, Champagne, Delaware, Einset, Freedonia, Glenora, Himrod, Interlaken, Jupiter, and Mars.

Door Prize: Show up at the meeting, and if your number is drawn, go home with a Spokane Beauty apple tree – 6 feet tall in a pot.

Seattle Tree Fruit Society is a nonprofit, bringing together urban farmers from the Greater Seattle area who share an interest in growing fruit trees and berries.

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