June 5th Tom Woods & Raintree Nursery

Bus trip & Lunch – $20 a seat.  Now open to all WCFS Members.  If you have not heard of Tom Woods, pay attention now because there will be a STFS sponsored bus going to see his innovative greenhouses full of produce on June 5th.  We are holding the group to the 47 on the bus so that we can get close enough to him to ask questions and hear him talk.  We’ll start the day at Raintree Nursery for their 50% off Bare-root Sale, get a tour of Raintree and picnic in the orchard – Yes, and lunch is included in the $20 bus ticket.  After lunch, we’ll head over to Tom Woods for a tour of his All Season Fruit greenhouses.  It is amazing the amount of produce he grows. He assures us peaches, apricots, tomatoes, and blueberries to taste. 
When I receive your $20 then your name will go on the list.  First come first served.  Only 47 seats!  We’ve been to his place in the past and people want to ask questions and hear what he has to say.  Bigger crowds don’t allow that.  You can email me to expect your check and find out where to mail it. At seattletreefruitsociety@hotmail.com
Also, tell me if you have any food issues.
Thank you.

8:00 am  – Meet at the Park & Ride at 6810-8th Av NE, Seattle            

10:30 am – Raintree Nursery 50% Off Bare-root Sale and Tour of the Facilities

11:30-12:30  Picnic in the orchard

1:30 – 4:00 pm – Tom Woods Greenhouses Tour

6:00 pm – Arrive back at the Park & Ride at 6810-8th Av NE, Seattle   


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