Look for Yellow Spots on Kiwi

Our fruit growing friend kiwibob, renowned propagator of kiwi and fig, has recently become alarmed by a condition that has appeared in many of his Actinidia arguta (Hardy Kiwi) plants. He calls the condition AYLS-  Actinidia Yellow Leaf Spot.


Kiwibob asks that STFS Members to look close at their Hardy Kiwi (arguta) vines to see if you have any leaves with irregular bright yellow spots or blotches.  If any of you have this present in your hardy kiwi, could you please take a couple of low-resolution digital photos of the affected leaves, and e-mail them to kiwibob at kiwibobnow@gmail.com with your physical address so he can pinpoint the loca-tion. The objective is to get a clear idea of the extent of AYLS distribution.

More details and pictures are found here: 
click on this link to display the article from our newsletter with color photos

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