Oct 31st – Apple Identification Meeting

Time: 3:30 to 5:30pm – After the STFS’s 2010 Fall Fruit Show

Location: Center for Urban Horticulture – Main Hall Only, 3501 Northeast 41st St, Seattle, 98195

RSVP  seattletreefruitsociety@hotmail.com

Please join us for a discussion of apple identification techniques and where our ‘expert’ apple id people are at these days with their skills.  We hope to discuss the Who, What, Where, When, and Why of apple identification.  STFS is developing an apple id key for the STFS website that will be open and free for all to use in identifying apples in the Pacific Northwest.  This meeting is important to the development of that site in that it be relevant to what the users will need.  Please come if you are interested. 

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