STFS in-person meeting @ Sky Nursery featuring Ingela Wanerstrand talk Selecting Fruit for PNW Gardens Sat Mar 4th 10 AM-noon

Selecting Fruit for PNW Gardens – What fruits make sense to grow in your own PNW garden rather than paying many dollars at the store? Even in a compact urban backyard, layers of fruit plants from alpine strawberry ground cover to dwarfing multi-cultivar fruit trees can convert sunlight into healthy fresh fruit at arm’s length. Experienced horticulturist and educator Ingela Wanerstrand dba Green Darner Garden Design will cover why you might want to grow your own, plants that consistently fruit in the PNW and ideas for fruit-growing in small spaces. In-stock Sky Nursery fruit plants will be featured during Ingela’s talk.

Everyone is welcome to attend.

When: next Saturday (March 4th) 10 AM to noon; 10:00-10:30 socialize, 10:30-11:00 STFS meeting & 11:00-noon Ingela’s talk. More details in attached handout.

Where: Sky Nursery (18528 Aurora Ave N Shoreline, WA 98133, Store open 9-6 Daily, phone 206.546.4851 email just north of Seattle.

Venue is a large, airy glass-enclosed greenhouse space with apparent good ventilation and probably will be cooler than comfortable so wear an extra layer. Sky has no COVID-19 PPE requirements, so participants need to take COVID-19 precautions they feel are necessary.

Please DON’T BRING REFRESHMENTS TO SHARE WITH OTHER ATTENDEES; Sorry, Sky has requested that due to public participation and lingering COVID-19 concerns, no refreshments be provided by STFS members to share potluck-style with other participants.

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