STFS maggot barriers no longer available as of Feb 2023

As of February 2023, Seattle Tree Fruit Society (STFS) no longer is selling maggot barriers (MBs) for funding STFS educational activities.

MBs can now be easily purchased over the internet (search: maggot barriers), through Amazon or at area nurseries. Recently, in the Seattle area, nurseries stocking MBs have included Sky , Swansons , Cloud Mountain (Everson) , West Seattle , Sunnyside (Marysville) , Squak Mountain (Issaquah) , City People’s Sandpoint , & My Garden Nursery (Bellingham). Please contact these reputable nurseries directly to check for MB availability.

The STFS website still provides instructions for covering fruitlets with MBs.

STFS’s limited remaining MB inventory will be available to STFS members at upcoming in-person STFS events.

MBs protect apples, pears and other fruits from apple maggot flies, codling moths and other pests.

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