STFS zoom-only meeting this Saturday (Feb 20th) 10:00 AM – 12:30 PM featuring Paul Mallary’s paw paw presentation

To lessen COVID-19 spread, STFS member meeting Saturday Feb 20th 10:00 AM to 12:30 PM is only online.

Mike Ewanciw (email will lead meeting beginning with short business meeting followed by Paul Mallary’s paw paw presentation:

Paw Paws

“The largest native fruit in North America!”

“Floral aroma with consistency like custard”

“A local fruit with a tropical taste”

These sound like pop-up ads for some exotic plant, available for a “limited time only” on the internet. In reality, they describe a mid-western backyard, fence row tree, asimina triloba, that many have heard of but have never seen or grown. For the home orchardist willing to take on the unique challenges of the pawpaw, this tree can fulfill the craving for some exotic eating.

Paul Mallary, long time Western Cascade Fruit Society member, grew up in rural northern Iowa and Illinois on small farms with fruit trees and berries. After serving 4 years in the navy, he obtained a BA in Geography with additional study in Soil Science at the University of Maryland in 1967. Since then, every house he has owned has had fruit trees. While in south King County he inundated his ¼-acre home with over 50 small fruit trees and berries. He recently retired and purchased a home near the Pacific Ocean that will have a new pawpaw patch in addition to 40+-year-old apple and plum trees. Paul is currently the president of the WCFS’s Tahoma chapter.

STFS members were emailed zoom invite info from STFS sent 2/17/21.

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