Monthly Archives: December 2024

STFS mtg this Sat (Dec 14th 10 AM) zoom-only is free for all to attend and begins with Michael “Skeeter” Pilarski’s talk on Edible Native Fruits of Puget Sound

UPDATE: Presenter Michael “Skeeter” Pilarski and STFS Secretary Melinda M. have put together the resource PNW-native-fruit-plants-and-where-to-obtain supplementing Michael’s talk. Thank you, Michael and Melinda.

STFS mtg this Sat (Dec 14th 10 AM) zoom-only is free for all to attend and begins with Michael “Skeeter” Pilarski’s talk on Edible Native Fruits of Puget Sound

Michael Pilarski has worked with over 1,000 species of plants, native and
non-native. He has been farming since 1972 and professionally wildcrafting
since 1997. Some of his specialties are agroforestry, permaculture,
ecosystem restoration and ethnobotany. He currently farms in Chimacum and the Methow Valley.

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