Monthly Archives: October 2014

Volunteer opportunities at Fall Fruit Show

Many helping hands make lighter work for all volunteers.
The 2014 STFS FFS like past shows has been planned and is being put on by volunteer STFS members.

If you still want to help, please consider volunteering for the following task(s):

 -Arrive at 7 AM at Cedar Valley Grange to unload supplies from vehicles and begin arranging onsite tables and chairs for information displays, fruit sampling and educational talks

 -Arrive at 8 AM at Cedar Valley Grange to spread table cloth, sort and set out fruit for sampling, hang signage and assist other volunteers at display tables

 -Arrive at 9 AM at Cedar Valley Grange to assist with any last minute tasks

 =During the show activities (10 AM to 3 PM) at Cedar Valley Grange: Bring several pieces of any unique fruit varieties you would like to share with other members and attendees during the fruit show

 =During the show activities (10 AM to 3 PM) at Cedar Valley Grange: Enjoy talks, displays and discussion with other attendees and/or assist other volunteers who:

 +Cut fruit for sampling
+Distribute fruit samples to other attendees
+Keep fruit sampling areas clean
+Cider press fruit (outside so bring a coat)
+ID fruits brought onsite
+Build SWD traps
+Lead kids in craft project
+Sharpen tools
+Assist vendors and other volunteers with information displays and at membership/admissions table in the basement
+Announce and direct attendees to upstairs for the following talks: 

@10:30 – Stone Fruit Culture in Spain (Greg Guiliani)
@ 12:00 – Protecting Your Winter Orchard from Furry Pests (Dave Pehling)
@1:00 – Growing Pears in the Pacific Northwest  (Jacky King)
@2:00 – Latest News About Kiwis for Puget Sound Region (Bob Glansman)

 =Arrive or stay until 3 PM at Cedar Valley Grange to assist with teardown and take home fruit and other supplies left over from show  

 All help is appreciated.  Thanks for considering this request. 

Lecture Schedule for Fall Fruit Show, Oct 25

Lectures will be given throughout the day at the
2014 Seattle Tree Fruit Society Fall Fruit Show
Saturday Oct 25, 10am-3pm
Cedar Valley Grange Hall
20526 52nd Ave W
Lynnwood, WA 98036

Here is the lecture schedule.

10:30 – Cherry Production in Zaragoza, Spain (Greg Guiliani)
Greg, along with some other fruit enthusiasts, toured the Zaragoza fruit producing region of Spain in late May and early June. He will present a slide show of the trip and talk about what was learned about this area’s techniques for producing cherries.
12:00 – Protecting Your Winter Orchard from Furry Pests (Dave Pehling)
Dave has worked for the WSU Snohomish extension since 1978. Trained as a Zoologist, he wears many hats, being well regarded for his knowledge of pollination, entomology, and pest management. Dave has taught classes in vertebrate pest management for WSU in the Master Gardener program, as well as the Livestock Advisor program. This presentation will focus on the methods available to control voles and other vertebrate orchard pests.
1:00 – Growing Pears in the Pacific Northwest (Jacky King)
Jacky King has worked at the Fruit Horticulture department of NWREC since 1979. She has been active in many trials at this facility, including Cider Apples, Crab Apples, Grapes, and Alternative Crops. She will discuss the varieties of pears that do well in the Pacific Northwest, the techniques required for a successful crop, and factors that affect the pear crop.
2:00 – The Latest News About Kiwis for the Puget Sound Region (Bob Glansman)
“KiwiBob” will discuss the best methods for success in growing all types of kiwis in the Pacific Northwest. Included in this presentation are discussions of different kiwi species, varieties that perform best in this area, and cultural tips. The recently occurring Actinidia Yellow Leaf Spot (AYLS) disease will also be a focus of this presentation.

Show details:
STFS members – free admission
Members of other WCFS chapters – free admission
Non-members joining STFS when entering FFS – free admission
General public adults – $10 & kids free